Call For Paper

CINS-2025 solicits original unpublished manuscripts that are not considered for publication elsewhere. All papers submitted to the conference will undergo Single-blind peer review process. All the accepted and presented papers will be published in indexed conference proceeding (IEEE Approval is awaited).  Authors are invited to submit their papers through Microsoft CMT.
Submission Template Paper submission

How to Submit

Authors need to have a CMT account before submitting their paper.

Here is a link to create the account:Click here
Here is a link for authors on how to submit a paper:Click here

Plagiarism Policy

All papers submitted to CINS2025 will be screened for plagiarism, and any paper found to be plagiarized will be rejected at any stage of the review process. Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work, as outlined in the copyright transfer agreement. Submissions will be checked using the Turnitin similarity detection tool to verify content integrity. Authors are encouraged to adhere to academic standards and ensure their work is free of plagiarism.

Ethical Requirements

Conference Tracks

Intelligent Systems

Big Data and analytics

Recommender Systems

Speech Processing

Natural Language Processing

Machine Learning Models and Framework

Artificial intelligence

statistics and data science

Deep Learning and Applications

Reinforcement Learning


Machine Vision

Computational Biology

Speech Recognition


Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart Cities and Systems

Space-Air-Ground-Ocean Integrated Networks and Applications

Intrusion Detection for the Internet of Things

IoT for Renewable energy integration in Power Grids

Industrial Internet of Things: Architectures, Challenges and Methodologies

Aerial Computing for the Internet-of-Things (IoT)

AI and Blockchain powered IoT sustainable computing

Secure Data Analytics for Emerging Internet of Things

Internet of Things for Smart Health, Agriculture, Construction and Manufacturing

Intelligent Blockchain for Internet of Things

Industrial IoT (IIoT) I4.0, I5.0

M2M Communication 


Cloud computing

Quantum computing

Hardware for efficient computing

High Performance Computing

System integration

Embedded Computing

Energy/Power Aware HPC Architectures and Green Computing

Embedded & Domain Specific Architectures

Compiler Techniques

Compilers for Accelerators

AI Hardware

Security and Privacy

Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems

Security and Privacy in Smart Cyber-physical Systems

Reliability aspects

Mechanisms for authentication

Secure communication

Encryption algorithms

Sensor secure management

Data integrity and Trustworthiness issues

IoT Security

Cyber security and policies

Application layer security

End-to-end security and mobility

Wireless network security and privacy

Embedded security

Device security


Augumented reality and its applications

Virtual reality and its applications

Digital Transformation

Wearable Devices

Software Defined Networks

5G/ 6G Networking technologies

Networks for future generations.

All other areas related to computing, intelligence techniques, and networks.